Tuesday 25 September 2012

Dare Daniel and the Lions story from Holy Bible and images and pictures and coloring pages verses

                         Dare Daniel and the Lions Once upon a time there was a powerful king ruling the kingdom Babylonia named Nebuchadnezzar. One day he ordered his chief official to select intelligent and strong Hebrew men from good families to serve the royal court. They selected many young men out of whom a young lad called Daniel. Daniel was very good god fearing and a pious boy they prefers simple life and simple food. Daniel dislikes royal food wine and royal life. Daniel then co axed the guard who was in charge of them saying let us live only on vegetables herbs and water for 10 days.

                          Then compare us with to those who eat only the royal food. Daniel told them if we are still weak then we shall desist eating simple food and finally after 10 days when the Daniel and his friends compared them to other boys. He was much stronger and fitter. All the young recruiters trained for 3 years before they could serve in royal court. After the training period completed the king called all young men including Daniel. The king asked them several questions and interviewed them all. Among all of them the king found that the Daniel was the stronger one and also the brightest of them all. And king also found that Daniel had ability to interpret the meanings of ones dreams. Once the king disturbed greatly he ordered all the fortune tellers, sorcerers and wizards to interpret the meaning of dream. And he also ordered be put them to death if they would not come up with an answer.

                                      Daniel after listening all this prayed to the lord and finally he got to know the mystery of dream which he revealed in front of the king. This made the king happy and he appreciated Daniel and appointed him as the head of the royal advisors. Later on when Babylonia was taken by the Persians Daniel continued to retain his important post in the kingdom. During the rule of darious king he decided to appoint the Daniel to supervise over the governors of his kingdom. All the governors were jealous about this. They tried to discredit Daniel but they were quiet unsuccessful as Daniel was very honest and truthful man. Daniel detractors often grumbled in frustration we can never find anything to accuse Daniel of we must find a reason to humiliate him. So they got an evil idea in their minds and went to see the king. They said “your majesty all of us who administers your empire have agreed that your majesty should issue such an order that it would be forbidden for anyone to pray to anyone but himself. If anyone violate this order would be thrown to the lions. The king’s pride was appeased and he consented to the proposal. Hence the rule was passed and nobody in the entire kingdom was allowed to pray to anybody but the king. But Daniel did not abide by this law. And he continued to pray to the lord.

                                  The jealous officials were spying on Daniel and quickly reported the matter to the king. The king was very unhappy that he would have to punish Daniel but according to law he at once ordered for Daniel to be thrown to the lions. The king did not want Daniel to die. When Daniel was thrown to the lions den the king darious said to him “May your god save you”. The king could not sleep all the night. And early next morning he rushed to the lions den only to find Daniel unharmed. Daniel he said “The lord you serve so well had saved you from the jaws of the lions”. Daniel replied “Yes your majesty the lord sends his angels to shut the jaws of the lions and none of them could harm me.” Daniel was then brought back to the court and the faith of everyone in the lord was further reinforced.

                                 A finally all the jealous officials with their wives and all their children were thrown into the lions pit and these all the lions broken up their bones into pieces and killed them and eat them.

Dare Daniel and lions Bible verses

Daniel 6:16-24 (NIV)

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